Do Mice Usually Go Upstairs?

Do mice usually go upstairs? Mice can be very difficult to control and will go up almost anything. They are generally pesky, and you may not be comfortable seeing them around the stairs. They eat frequently and destroy books, clothing, food products, furniture, electric wire, and many other items in the house or workspace. Here’s an interesting view of a mouse having a field day climbing walls.

Mice are also known to transmit diseases like salmonellosis, listeria, and hantavirus through their droppings—feces, nest, urine, and saliva. Therefore to handle mice, you need to do it right, for instance, not sweeping or vacuuming their evidence.

Do mice usually go upstairs?

One commonly asked question is whether mice are capable of going upstairs in a house or do they mostly stay downstairs in a building.

The answer is straightforward. Usually, mice do not go upstairs, but that doesn’t mean they can’t. It is effortless for them to climb stairs, provided the materials used to make the stairs are not slippery, like slick plastic or stainless steel materials.

It is even hard to find slippery stairs in the house. Therefore mice can easily climb all kinds of stairs—tiled, carpets, or linoleum. The most important thing for the mouse is to be able to grip.

Additionally, most mice species can quickly jump at the height of around 1 foot, according to Midway Pest Management LLC. They can do this every day without any problems, so they can climb, jump or run on your staircase at any time.

How do mice get to the upper floors?

There are many ways a mouse can get to the top floors of a house.

To begin with, a mouse can climb and jump perfectly, so they sometimes gain access to a home through the roof or top floors.

The mice may sometimes climb a tree and jump from the tree into the building or may even climb the building through the walls if the surface is rough enough to give them a good grip.

Mice may first infest the ground floors of a building before climbing to the top floors. Stairs aren’t the only way for an athletic mouse to climb up; several pipes, wires, and walls lead upstairs, which the mouse can climb on to get access.

Getting to the second floor of your apartment

There are diverse ways through which mice can gain access to a multi-story house or a building and fill up all the floors of the building. As mentioned previously, mice are very good at jumping. If they can get to the connecting floors of the building, it would be effortless for them to gain access to the second floor.

This is possible because mice can compress themselves into very tiny areas through openings as little as 1/4 of an inch, which is the average size of a pencil eraser. Once the head goes through, the rest of the body is “easy peasy”.

When they force their head into the space, the rest of the body follows accordingly. Improperly closed windows and doors can be a way that give the mice a chance to go upstairs, just like other tiny openings around the sides.

Also, the plumbing lines in the building are a means through which a mouse can move through different floors in a house. There are even occasions when mice pass through toilet bowls to access the top floor of a building.

Mice and climbing walls

Mice are very good at climbing; they can climb up to 13 inches on a flat and vertical surface.

They can climb even longer distances if the rough surface gives them a good grip, like bricks. This is why they can quickly go up and down through a chimney.

Do mice get up into the attic?

Mice generally prefer to stay in the attic because they’re nocturnal animals, like cockroaches. They also love dark areas. Attics have a warm, cluttered environment, making it the perfect setting for the mice.

How then do the mice find their way into the attic? They use all the channels mentioned earlier like stairs, walls, or chimneys. Mice can also make use of tiny openings in doors.

Therefore if you have these as most houses do, ensure to take safety measures by blocking every entrance you find. Mice can also burrow into the ground to gain access to the house by crawling. A mouse can also jump into the attic of a building from the trees surrounding it.

Mice are pretty swift—climbing and jumping are very easy for them. Air ducts have proven to be one of the providers of traveling space for mice. These rodents mostly use air ducts to move through the floors of different houses.

Not only can mice move on a wall but they can also find their way inside the wall and move inside it.

Detecting mice in your home

Movement and noise

If there is a mice infestation in your home or workspace, you’ll regularly hear their tiny feet running through the walls. You might even discover their tracks in dusty places.

Mice can use vocals to express emotions and relay food and shelter locations. Mice sounds are typically a high-pitched squeak, almost like singing chatter, but they can change in pitch and frequency, depending on what they’re trying to communicate.


If you find holes in your walls, that’s also a sign that you have a mice infestation.

Urine smell

Additionally, you’ll perceive their urine when you go into poorly ventilated areas.

Mouse droppings

If you find dropping, including urine, feces, and saliva, you have a mice infestation.

A mouse can climb on the sheetrock and wood beam. A perfect pathway mice travel through is the Insulation within the walls of the building. They can use this pathway to move from floor to floor around the building. You do not want mice moving around your home.

Why would mice climb to the upper floors?

If a building has so many apartments, mice have many options which they can travel through. If a kitchen on the second floor has a lot of food, mice will migrate to the second floor. Leftovers upstairs will also attract mice, and they’ll do what they can to get there.

The attic in the building will also attract mice because the environment appears dark, cluttered, and mostly warm, which is a perfect dwelling place for a mouse to nest.

Although it may not be typical, you can find mice on the top floors of a building. But wherever you discover mice indoors, you must get rid of them as quickly as possible because of their destructiveness and the number of diseases they can transmit. Get in touch with your local pest control.

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