What Do Roaches Eat When There Is No Food?

When there’s no obvious food around, cockroaches can still find something to eat. They are incredibly resourceful and will eat almost anything to survive. They can live off items we wouldn’t even consider food. Things like paper, glue, soap, and even hair can become their meals. Cockroaches can also consume dead insects and animal matter. Their ability to digest a wide variety of materials helps them survive in environments where food seems scarce. This makes it hard to get rid of them, as they always find a way to feed themselves. Now, let’s find out what cockroaches eat when there is no food so that you’ll know how to control infestations.

Do Cockroaches Even Have a Specific Food at All?

Cockroaches don’t have a specific diet. They eat almost anything found in a house. Small crumbs left behind become a meal for them. Despite our best efforts to keep the house clean, they thrive and multiply all year round. Water isn’t an issue for them either.

They find tiny patches of condensed water behind walls and cupboards, which we can’t see. They also get water through their metabolism, producing it as they digest food. In short, our daily habits provide cockroaches with all they need to survive and multiply. They find plenty of food and shelter in the houses we maintain and pay for to live comfortably.

What do roaches eat when there is no food?

1. Various Glues

Cockroaches are not picky and can find sustenance in many unexpected foods, including various glues. Glue can be found in numerous household items such as furniture, books, and even wallpaper. Cockroaches are attracted to glue because it contains organic materials that can provide them with the necessary nutrients to survive. The sticky texture might seem unappealing to us, but to a cockroach, it’s just another food source. This is one of the reasons why they can thrive in homes, even when we think there is no food available.

2. Hair

Hair might seem like an unlikely food source, but cockroaches will eat it when other food is not available. Hair contains protein, a vital nutrient for cockroaches. They can find hair in many places around a home, such as in the bathroom, bedroom, or even in clogged drains. The presence of pet hair can also provide an additional food source for these pests.

Cockroaches have strong mouthparts that can break down hair into digestible pieces. Their ability to consume hair is another reason why they can survive in homes for long periods, even when food seems scarce. This adaptability makes them difficult to eradicate completely.

3. Crayons

We also have crayons, another surprising roach food source. Made from wax and pigments, crayons bring these critters enough nutrients to survive. In homes with children, crayons can often be found scattered on the floor or in easily accessible places. The waxy texture doesn’t deter cockroaches; instead, they will chew on crayons to get the sustenance they need. Crayons are simply a convenient snack for cockroaches, especially when traditional food sources are not available.

4. Candle Wax

Candle wax is also on the list of unusual foods for cockroaches eat when there is no food. Wax from candles, especially those made with beeswax or paraffin, contains some organic compounds that cockroaches can digest. If candles are left out or pieces of wax fall to the floor, cockroaches might nibble on them.

5. Molds/Mildews

Molds and mildews are common in many homes, especially in damp areas like bathrooms and basements. These fungi provide a food source for cockroaches when more appealing options are scarce. Molds and mildews grow in dark, damp environments that cockroaches frequent.

They can feed on the fungi, getting both nutrients and moisture needed for survival. The fact that cockroaches eat mold and mildew helps explain why they can thrive in less-than-ideal conditions. Even if a home is spotless, cockroaches will still find molds and mildews hiding in unseen corners to help them continue to survive and reproduce.

6. Some Forms of “Green” Packing Peanuts

Some forms of “green” packing peanuts are biodegradable and made from corn starch or other organic materials. Cockroaches can eat these packing peanuts because they contain the nutrients they need. These environmentally friendly packing materials can be tempting snacks for roaches if they come across them in storage boxes or packaging left around the house. Cockroaches can digest these biodegradable materials. So, while these “green” packing peanuts are better for the environment, they are also a food source for cockroaches in your home.

7. Makeup products

Makeup products, surprisingly, get eaten by cockroaches. Many makeup items, including foundations, powders, and lipsticks, contain oils, fats, and other organic ingredients that attract cockroaches. If your makeup is left out on counters, in drawers, or spills on the floor, cockroaches might feed on it. The small amounts of makeup that might seem insignificant to us can be a good meal for a cockroach. They can even chew through packaging to get to the product inside. With this, they can thrive in bathrooms, bedrooms, and other areas where makeup is commonly stored and used.

8. Poop

Cockroaches will even eat poop if no other food is available. This might include pet droppings or rodent feces found around the house. Poop contains organic material and nutrients that cockroaches need to survive. This behavior also contributes to their reputation as unhygienic pests, as they can spread diseases and bacteria from the waste they consume.

9. Wood

Cockroaches can also feed on wood, especially when it’s damp or decaying. They chew on wooden furniture, beams, and other structures in the house. Wood isn’t their preferred food, but it provides them with necessary nutrients and help them survive when other food sources are not there.

10. Softener Salt

Softener salt used in water softeners are another food source for cockroaches in the absence of their preferred menu. The salt contains minerals that roaches need to survive. If they come across a spilled bag or traces of this salt, they will consume it. Even though it’s not a typical food, it provides the essential nutrients they need to keep going.

11. Many Personal Hygiene Items Such as Toothpaste

Our personal hygiene items like toothpaste can also attract cockroaches. Toothpaste contains sweeteners, flavors, and other organic compounds that appeal to these pests. If toothpaste is left out with the cap off or if there’s residue in the sink, cockroaches might come and feed on it. This also includes other hygiene items like lotions and soaps, which have oils and scents that attract cockroaches.

There is no such thing as normal food for cockroaches. They eat almost anything available in a house. Often, children attach macaroni and/or seeds to construction paper for art projects, and parents put the art in the attic or back of the closet—cockroaches go after them and eat them up.

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